“Putting consistent, clear information at our field personnel’s fingertips is a benefit of e-Ticketing. Another extremely important factor is the increased safety of our people.”
– Billy Sweeney, DelDOT’s Project Controls Coordinator
FHWA’s Innovator: e-Ticketing and Digital As-Builts
■ e-TICKETING AND DIGITAL AS-BUILTS “Putting consistent, clear information at our field personnel’s fingertips is a benefit - Using the data that these systems collect in an intelligent way is what we see as the ultimate goal. - Billy Sweeney, DelDOT’s Project Controls Coordinator [...]
The Case for DOT ‘E-Info’ Standardization
■ THE CASE FOR DOT 'E-INFO' STANDARDIZATION “We are excited about the prospect of e-ticketing and e-construction growth in the coming year.” - Jacob Blanchard, PE, a field engineer for Indiana DOT’s Division of Construction Management ■ CONCRETE NEWS Our job is [...]
Task Force Field Notes: Second Edition
■ SECOND ISSUE “Paper tickets end up in a place where data goes to die. The e-Ticket brings the data to life in real-time.” - Former Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau ■ FIELD NOTES The Infrastructure Bill and Technology In Our Industry [...]
Task Force Field Notes: Inaugural Edition
■ INAUGURATION “Welcome to the Inaugural Edition of the e-Ticketing Task Force Newsletter.” - Former Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau ■ FIELD NOTES Here's to business changing innovation in 2021 for heavy construction. Welcome to the Inaugural Edition of the e-Ticketing [...]